The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center
The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center
The Rom-Commers is a delightful new offering from much loved author Katherine Center about a blocked, emotionally distant screenwriter and the romance author called in to ghostwrite his terrible manuscript. (According to our heroine rescue-writer, the screenplay is so terrible that terrible is not a terrible enough word to describe it.) Naturally, the screenwriter rejects help from the romance writer whom he deems unqualified. And the romance writer, unrenowned for compelling reasons of her own, steps firmly into the fray. Soon, protective layers between the rom-commers begin to peel off, revealing humanness and humor.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book as I have so many of the author’s other novels. (Check out my reviews of Hello Stranger and What You Wish For.)
Why do I love Katherine Center novels so much? Partly it’s her characters. But as lovable as her characters are, what brings me back time and again to Katherine Center’s books is voice. There is a continuity of voice in her novels. The writing is flowy, personal, impassioned, and often self-deprecatingly funny.
Katherine Center novels make me feel…dare I say it? Centered. Warm and gooey and centered.
While writing this review, I returned to The Rom-Commers to refresh my memory because I actually love reading books more than I love writing reviews about them. Imagine. And then because of the flow-worthy element of The Rom-Commers, I was caught up all over again and spent that day’s allocated book-review-writing time re-reading. Enter aforementioned warm and gooey sensations. And no regrets.
All of that to say that I loved this book. And you will, too, if you love characters that make you smile and situations that make you think and stories that make you sigh out loud.
I received a copy of The Rom-Commers from NetGalley.
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