F is for Fair Play
F is for Fair Play
Welcome to Day 6 of Blogging A to Z!
Book-ish Ghosts
Throughout the April challenge, you get to guess the ghost novel, ghost movie, or ghost beginning with the letter of the day. You can find Book-ish Ghosts contest rules here in the theme reveal.
Clue 1: A less than competent Iowa corn farmer plows under his crop in order to build a baseball field.
Clue 2: The ghosts in this movie are baseball players who were banned from the game following the Black Sox Scandal of the 1919 World Series. They just want to play fair again.
As always, please leave your guess in the comments. I’ll be watching!
Now for yesterday’s reveal. E is for
Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin.
A worthwhile read with a unique take on the afterlife. On an aside, I recently read a new novel by Gabrielle Zevin that I adored. No ghosts, but a lovely blending of story and literature with one man’s life. It’s called The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry. Love it!
Have you read Elsewhere? Have I enticed you into adding it to your reading list? How about The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry?
16 thoughts on “F is for Fair Play”
Field of Dreams
Thanks for opening the comments with the first guess!
I know this one because I have one of the characters coming up for J 🙂 Field of Dreams
Tasha’s Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)
Well, I’m looking forward to your J! I guess that would be Shoeless Joe Jackson?
This one’s easy. A favorite movie, always makes hubby cry at the end. Field of Dreams.
That’s so cute re the hubby!
Oh this was that film with Kevin Costner, wasn’t it? (I’m deliberately NOT reading the other comments – that would be cheating myself!) 🙂
Susan A Eames from
Travel, Fiction and Photos
If you’re correct about Kevin Costner, I’ll give you credit for the guess. We shall see tomorrow!
Really interesting, thanks for sharing!
from @HelenHollick
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You’re welcome, Helen. Thanks for stopping by!
Field of Dreams
Fingers crossed for Field of Dreams!
Field of Dreams!
Thanks for stopping by. Reveal soon!
I KNOW THIS! =D Field of Dreams. That was a good movie too.
~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author
I agree–Field of Dreams was a good movie even for those of us who aren’t baseball fiends (like other members of my family).