Book Challenge by Erin 17.0

Book Challenge by Erin 17.0

library with secret bookcase door
image courtesy flikr creative commons

The new Book Challenge by Erin 17.0 approaches!

In case you don’t know what this is, Book Challenge by Erin 17.0 is a reading challenge [you guessed that, right?] that runs from July through October. For more information and to join in the fun, check out Erin’s Facebook page.

As usual, I had lots of fun coming up with books to fit the categories. If you enjoyed participating in scavenger hunts as a kid, you know the thrill that comes with each acquisition.

Without further ado, here are the categories and my selections:

. 5 points:  Freebie – Read a book that is at least 200 pages




Mariana by Susanna Kearsley

  • 10 points: In a time of war, disease, mass murders, and natural disasters, we’d like to promote a little positivity……Read a book that you predict will bring you joy and happiness (for example, can be a favorite author, a self-help book, one from the humor shelf, or one deemed inspirational)


Dibs In Search of Self by Virginia Axline

This is a re-read. (The rules of the challenge allow one book to be a re-read.) I chose Dibs In Search of Self for this category because this little boy’s indomitable spirit never fails to inspire me.

  • 10 points: Read a book that’s set in Canada (since it’s Canada Day on the 1st of July)


A Great Reckoning by Louise Penny

I have been reading and enjoying Louise Penny’s mysteries in order since the first one, Still Life. This is the next in the series for me. And, yes, you do need to read this series in order.

  • 15 points: Read a book by an author who is of a different race/religion than you


What Storm, What Thunder by Myriam J.A. Chancy

My mother highly recommends What Storm, What Thunder, and, in fact, gave me the book.

  • 20 points:  Read a book with a flower in the title or a picture of a flower on the cover


The Widow of Rose House by Diana Biller

A ghost novel! Yay! So excited for this one!

  • 20 points: Read a book with book, books, bookstore, bookshop or library in the title


The Messy LIves of Book People by Phaedra Patrick

Love this category. And I have already picked out the bonus round book: Book Lovers by Emily Henry.

  • 25 points: Read a book published the year of a significant event in your life (can be when you were born, got married, had a baby, graduated school, etc). And with this we encourage the participants to share their significant event to encourage conversation


Without Fail by Lee Child

I enjoy reading of the exploits of this no-nonsense guy. I like the writing, too. (For TV fans, I also highly recommend the binge-worthy Amazon Prime series Reacher. Loads of fun!)

This book was first published in the year I earned my MFA.

  • 30 points: Read a book that is recommended by the librarian or a bookstore employee or you discover on the “staff recommendations” shelf

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Magpie Lane by Lucy Atkins

Another (possible) ghost novel. Sounds intriguing.

  • 30 points: Read a book that includes a trip or a vacation/holiday

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Severance by Ling Ma

This is a pandemic book (published in 2018 before COVID 19) I’ve been wanting to read for a while after hearing about it from my students. I’m curious to see how it compares to another pandemic book, The Wanderers by Chuck Wendig, also written before COVID. The Wanderers was eerily prescient in many ways.

  • 35 points: Read a book a with one of these five words in the title: earth, air, fire, water or space


Dead Water by Ann Cleeves

For some reason, I had the most trouble finding a book for this category. I was happy when I came across this title as I had read another mystery by this author, Blue Lightning. I found the writing of Blue Lightning lovely and lyrical.

So, there you have the categories and my selections for Book Challenge by Erin 17.0! What do you think of my choices? Any faves on this list?




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