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Author: Deb

“Would You Rather” Book Tag

“Would You Rather” Book Tag

“Would you rather” book tag. So, I guess this “would you rather” game of tag has been around for a while. The newest thread originated by RayKayBooks focuses on book questions. Trin Carl over at The Global Dig tagged me and challenged me to answer some questions. Hi Trin! Here are the questions and my answers. Would you rather: 1. READ ONLY TRILOGIES OR STANDALONES? Definitely standalones. I rarely read trilogies. I find with trilogies that the first book is compelling, the…

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Z is for Zugzwang

Z is for Zugzwang

Z is for Zugzwang. It is the last day of the A to Z Challenge! You, my readers, have survived! Yay, you! So, zugzwang. I borrowed a chess term for today’s category of novels for young adults. Zugzwang describes a situation in which one must take one’s turn even if it is to one’s disadvantage. It also means to force someone else into that situation. Zugzwang so perfectly sums up what authors do to their characters, and that is particularly…

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Y is for Yarn

Y is for Yarn

Y is for Yarn. We are almost finished with the A to Z Challenge! Remember, my theme is: Novels for Young Adults. Today’s two novels fall under the category yarn. I’m using definition 4 (not fibers for knitting or weaving). No, definition 4 is “a tale, especially a long story or adventure…” Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks Year of Wonders chronicles the advance of bubonic plague in a small English village in the year 1666. The narrator is a…

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W is for Woe

W is for Woe

W is for Woe. It’s day 23 of the A to Z Challenge! Otherwise known as the letter W Day for my theme Novels for Young Adults. Often teens face more than the usual woe. And for teens, that woe often comes in the form of family troubles. This is the case for both of our novels today. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart This award winning novel generates both love and hate reviews. We Were Liars is narrated by Cadence…

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V is for Vicissitudes

V is for Vicissitudes

V is for Vicissitudes. So, this will be brief. I’ve been at jury duty all day. This will also be brief because there are very few novel titles, let alone young adult novel titles, that begin with the letter V. I found one: The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides   I’ll admit I haven’t read this though I have read another of this author’s works–Middlesex, which I found quite interesting. True confessions: I’m a little creeped out by the concept of…

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U is for Untamed

U is for Untamed

U is for Untamed It’s day 21 of the A to Z Challenge! Otherwise known as the letter U Day for my theme Novels for Young Adults. Sometimes teens just want to have fun and thrills. Just let their hair down and turn wild and untamed, if only vicariously through literature. Today’s two selections–one classic and one contemporary–offer untamed possibilities. Undercover Cat by Gordon and Mildred Gordon (Not a typo. The first author’s name really is Gordon Gordon.) If you’re hankering…

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T is for Tested

T is for Tested

T is for Tested It’s day 20 of the A to Z Challenge! Otherwise known as the letter T Day for my theme Novels for Young Adults. A key aspect of moving from child to adult is to face adversity, and, hopefully, learn from it. Sometimes if we’re lucky, we can face adversity and grow stronger through characters. Growing up can be a lot less painful if characters do some of it for us. I can’t think of a good young…

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S is for Special Interest

S is for Special Interest

S is for Special Interest It’s day 19 of the A to Z Challenge! Otherwise known as the letter S Day for my theme Novels for Young Adults. Sometimes teens and other readers can pick up interesting information as they follow along with characters. For instance, I learned about making honey from the coming-of-age novel The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. I love acquiring new knowledge from characters, and many teens do, too. Something Like Normal by Trish…

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R is for Resilient

R is for Resilient

R is for Resilient It’s day 18 of the A to Z Challenge! Otherwise known as the letter R Day for my theme Novels for Young Adults. Young adult readers can observe resilience in action when protagonists battle and overcome physical or social obstacles. These observations can be called up later when teens face similar problems in their own lives. Room by Emma Donaghue Room is an Alex Award winner. The American Library Association confers Alex Awards on books written for…

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Q is for Quick-witted

Q is for Quick-witted

Q is for Quick-witted It’s day 17 of the A to Z Challenge! Otherwise known as the letter Q Day for my theme Young Adult Novels and Novels with Young Adult Narrators. Yesterday in the P is for Perseverance post, we discussed the challenging ordeals teen narrators face down. One way teens face down these obstacles is by using their brains to outwit circumstances. Today’s selections showcase two such young narrators. Q & A by Vikas Swarup You’re probably more familiar…

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P is for Persevere

P is for Persevere

P is for Persevere. It’s day 16 of the A to Z Challenge! Otherwise known as the letter P Day for my theme Novels for Young Adults. You’ve no doubt noticed that in most young adult literature (as well as most literature of any kind) the main character faces obstacles–usually both external and internal. A teen’s job is to figure out ways to overcome the obstacles of life. By following along with characters facing terrible odds, young people learn strategies to…

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O is for Orphan

O is for Orphan

O is for Orphan It’s day 15 of the A to Z Challenge! Otherwise known as the letter O Day for my theme Young Adult Novels and Novels with Young Adult Narrators. Have you ever noticed how many young adult novels feature an orphan as the main character? That’s something I’ve thought about for some time. A docent at the Mountain View cemetery in Oakland once told me that the orphan is a symbol of rebirth. (She also told me the…

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N is for Never

N is for Never

N is for Never It’s day 14 of the A to Z Challenge! Otherwise known as the letter N Day for my theme Young Adult Novels and Novels with Young Adult Narrators. N is for Never. There’s something about the word never that conjures magical feelings. Maybe it’s growing up devouring the magic of Never Never Land from 19th century writer J.M. Barrie in his memorable work Peter Pan. Other writers no doubt felt the same inspiration and even included the…

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