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Author: Deb

New Year’s Resolutions 2016

New Year’s Resolutions 2016

Welcome, 2016! It’s that time of year. 2016 has arrived. (Actually, it arrived a few days ago, but who’s counting?) I feel like a bear that’s just emerging from a long hibernation. Or, would you believe a butterfly breaking out of its chrysalis? No, I don’t blame you. I don’t buy that one, either. Maybe I’m Rip Can Wrinkle, a little worse for wear, stumbling down the Catskills to find that everyone is setting goals, making resolutions, envisioning the year…

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Thank a book!

Thank a book!

To Whom It May Concern…Happy Thanksgiving! I came across an article I thoroughly enjoyed called “23 Bestselling YA Authors Share ‘the Book I’m Most Thankful for’” by Sona Charaipotra for Parade Magazine. It’s a wonderful article with lovely tributes about the power reading wields to change our lives. I think you will enjoy reading it. My country has its faults as do all countries (and all people, for that matter), but I am thankful that the first amendment our founders…

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Ghost novel review: Leaving Time

Ghost novel review: Leaving Time

Happy Halloween, everyone! I think this is my fourth book review for the R.I.P. reading challenge hosted by the Estella Society. Please hop on over there to see the other wonderful spooky books readers are discussing. Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult Publisher: Ballantine Books, 480 pages Format: Paperback Source: Purchased What it’s about: Teen Jenna Metcalf has been searching for her mother Alice for as long as she can remember. Alice disappeared over a decade ago following a trampling death…

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Haunted by James Herbert

Haunted by James Herbert

Publisher: Jove Books, 338 pages Format: Paperback Source: Purchased Haunted was the subject of a group read over at Supernatural Fiction Readers hosted by Werner A. Lind on Goodreads as well as a R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril X reading challenge at Estella Society. What it’s about: David Ash, a paranormal investigator for the Psychical Research Institute, has taken a case in rural England where he meets the siblings Simon, Christina, and Robert; and their aunt, Nanny Tess. They live in a decaying…

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Guest post: Bag of Bones Review

Guest post: Bag of Bones Review

        Bag of Bones by Stephen King Well, if you’re anything like me, you are bemoaning the fact that October–the best month in the year–seems to be running away on little ghost feet. If I had my way, October would last for two months! So, there’s nothing for it but to try to eke out all the crisp-leaf, brisk-walking, sweatshirt-donning goodness while we can. That and curl up in your favorite armchair for some ghost novels. To…

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Ghostly Giveaway

Ghostly Giveaway

  A Ghostly Giveaway! “I’ve actually seen a ghost, so I know they’re really around”~James Herbert Whether you’ve actually seen a ghost or not, does not matter. You can join in the fun of the ghostly giveaway. Chilly nights and chilling ghost stories…that’s what this time of year is all about. Although for me, any time of year is the right time for ghosts and ghost novels and ghost movies. Now through November 4th, I hope you will join me…

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Ghost Novel: The Face

Ghost Novel: The Face

The Face by Dean Koontz Publisher: Random House Audio Format: Audio Recording Source: Pleasanton Library The Face is my second reviewed novel of The R.I.P. Reading Challenge hosted by The Estella Society. What it’s about: The Face is a poignant but darkly comic novel of suspense. The primary setting of Koontz’s book is the Southern California mansion Palazo Rospo where ten-year-old Aelfric (Fric) resides with a house full of staff but rarely his father, and never his mother. The title…

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The 20’s Girl, the Ghost, and All That Jazz

The 20’s Girl, the Ghost, and All That Jazz

The 20’s Girl, the Ghost, and All That Jazz by June Kearns Publisher: Amazon Digital Services Format: Ebook Source: Purchased What it’s about: Gerry is desperate for money. Her late aunt thought nothing of leaving their English village and sailing to parts unknown or taking up with a new love at the drop of a feathered silk hat. Along with mounting debt, Gerry has inherited her aunt’s stunning wardrobe and old bookstore. Unfortunately, Aunt Leonie ransacked the bookstore for valuable…

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Review: The Rosie Project

Review: The Rosie Project

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion Greetings, all! Today I’m excited to be guest blogging about the novel The Rosie Project over at What Has Been Read Cannot Be Unread. The Rosie Project is not the kind of book I usually review. In other words, The Rosie Project is not YA, nor does it contain a single ghost. But I think you will enjoy this dramatic comedy, and so I invite you to take a gander at my review by…

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R.I.P X is here!

R.I.P X is here!

(image courtesy Abigail Larson) It’s that time of year. Or as Shakespeare put it: That time of year thou mayst in me behold When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, Bare ruin’d choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. (Image courtesy flikr creative commons via photopin) In the gray mood yet? Good, because R.I.P. X (R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril) is here, the brainchild of Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings, this year…

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Farewell to Summer Cash Giveaway

Farewell to Summer Cash Giveaway

Farewell to Summer $250 Giveaway – September 1st to 22nd An Awesome Group of Authors & Bloggers have joined with me to bring you a fabulous prize!! Sad to see summer go? Revisit the joy with a little cash and get started on your fall reading with the Farewell to Summer Cash Giveaway. We’re giving away $250 in Paypal Cash! Or alternately you can choose a $250 eGift Code! Sponsor List Thanks to these great authors & bloggers for…

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Chasing Vito’s Ghost

Chasing Vito’s Ghost

Ghost novel review: Chasing Vito’s Ghost by G.R. Benyue Publisher: SDP Publishing Format: ebook Source: Netgalley via Book Review Buzz in exchange for an honest review Becka Brandt wants a new life. Grieving the death of her fiance in an explosion, Becka moves to New Bedford and rents a cottage. Once there, she discovers her new home comes with a cantankerous ghost named Vito. Becka has been able to see ghosts since childhood, a gift that has enabled her to…

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Ghost Novel: A Test of Wills

Ghost Novel: A Test of Wills

A Test of Wills by Charles Todd Publisher: Harper, 305 pages Format: paperback Source: Purchased What it’s about: The year is 1919. Scotland Yard Inspector Ian Rutledge has been sent into the countryside to investigate the death of a wealthy war hero. Rutledge’s superintendent hates him, and takes great delight in assigning the intelligent, well-bred Rutledge to a case he’s bound to mismanage. Both the victim and the prime suspect served in World War I and returned changed men, as…

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