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Author: Deb

Book Challenge by Erin 10.0

Book Challenge by Erin 10.0

So, 2019 has dawned, and that means it’s time for another Book Challenge by Erin! For any of you unfamiliar with Book Challenge by Erin, it’s a reading challenge in which you select books based on categories that change each round, twice a year. You can then go to the Facebook group and chat about what you’re reading. You can find out more and sign up here: (I can’t hyperlink at the moment; WordPress revamped its format, and now…

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Sing, Unburied, Sing, by Jesmyn Ward

Sing, Unburied, Sing, by Jesmyn Ward

It was with pleasure that I read this insightful review of Sing, Unburied, Sing from Trish Reviews by the Book. Trish discusses Ward’s use of ghost to give a voice to the voiceless slaves of the South whose lives were brutally stolen from them. Trish also discusses the metaphor of journey in the novel. I recommend that you read her insightful blog post. In Jesmyn Ward’s novel, the unburied who yearn to be heard are the ghosts of the slaves…

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The Power of a Woman

The Power of a Woman

Today I’m very happy to guest post on the blog of P.K. Adams, a writer of historical fiction. Her novel The Greenest Branch explores the life of the first woman German physician. Please hop on over and read my guest post “The Power of a Woman.” Who is your favorite woman of history? Let’s hear it for the power of a woman!    

Trick or Treat Book Blog Hop

Trick or Treat Book Blog Hop

Trick or Treat Book Blog Hop Trick or Treat Reads  Several authors are giving away FREE books on Halloween! Patricia Lynne, one of the brains behind the twitter chat #StoryDam, hosts this annual Halloween book giveaway at her blog. Just for you! You can read more about it by clicking here, but if you just want to grab your free books, then click on the link below on October 31st. ​​​​​​​Click here on Halloween to get FREE Books! I am one of the…

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Review: Black Creek Crossing

Review: Black Creek Crossing

  Black Creek Crossing by John Saul Based on the blurb, I was expecting Black Creek Crossing to be ghostlit, but it turned out to be more of a witch novel. Or more precisely, a ghost-witch book. A witch from the days of Colonial times makes her presence known, but she is also a ghost because, well, she died 300 years ago. Unfortunately, also residing in this haunted New England house is an entity of pure, unadulterated evil who encourages men to…

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Book Challenge by Erin 9.0 Reading Highlights

Book Challenge by Erin 9.0 Reading Highlights

Reading Highlights We’re nearing the end of Book Challenge by Erin 9.0, so I thought I’d provide some reading highlights with notes I made. For a complete list of books I read for this challenge, go here. Below are a few books in various categories I thought especially worth mentioning. (I’ve read all ten books for the initial challenge, and I’m now working on the bonus round.) Okay, here we go. 10 points: Read a book that starts with the…

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Part two: Five Tips for a DIY Writing Retreat

Part two: Five Tips for a DIY Writing Retreat

  Welcome to my DIY Writing Retreat! Open the door and enter my hideaway solo DIY writing retreat. Oh, and what is a DIY Writing Retreat? I often attend a writing conference in the fall; for two years I reveled in the Better Books craft retreat (and, in fact, after that excellent retreat last year I decided to rewrite my novel for the fourth time. But this year I felt I knew where I was headed with my book, and…

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Burning Ridge by Margaret Mizushima

Burning Ridge by Margaret Mizushima

  Burning Ridge, book 4 of the Timber Creek K-9 mystery series, tells the story of Mattie and Robo–canine detective and canine partner–as they trace the events leading up to a burned corpse in the mountains. As usual, love interest Cole (Mattie’s, not Robo’s) plays an important part in the novel. In book 4, Mattie struggles with her past as a foster child and survivor of abuse and looks forward to reconnecting with her brother. Cole is there to offer…

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Book Challenge by Erin 9.0

Book Challenge by Erin 9.0

It’s book challenge time again! Book Challenge by Erin 9.0 is here! Below are the categories with my selections. For more information and to join in the fun, check out Erin’s Facebook page. 5 points: Freebie – Read a book that is at least 200 pages Less by Andrew Greer A failed novelist of a certain age unceremoniously dumped by his partner. Won the Pulitzer! 10 points: Read a book that starts with the letter “N” The Ninth Hour by Alice…

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Writer Gone AWOL

Writer Gone AWOL

Going AWOL Hi Dear Readers! I missed you! How are you all doing? Did you notice I’d gone AWOL? I’ve been AWOL from Pen In Her Hand for two months now. I didn’t even realize it had been that long. What, you may ask, have I been up to? Well, I’ve been focusing more on novel writing. I’ve been working on a YA novel, which has now changed to Upper Middle Grade mostly because workshop readers told me my book…

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Dogs in the news

Dogs in the news

If you love to read about special dogs, cruise this page for dogs in the news. Most recent tidbits on top. I’ll add more as I come across newsworthy dogs. (Of course, all dogs are newsworthy, yes?) The dogs in the above image are from my trip to Jindo, Korea, called Jindo kae. The Jindo kae is considered a national treasure. 22. I’m sad for Excalibur, euthanized dog of Ebola patient. Does it make sense?  by Liz Neporent…

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The El Cheapo Writing Retreat Part One

The El Cheapo Writing Retreat Part One

Yes, I did say El Cheapo. Writers, think you can’t afford a writing retreat? Think again. Today I’m going to introduce you to the benefits of an El Cheapo writing retreat. In Part Two, we’ll discuss tips to help you make your own El Cheapo a successful event. First off, what or who is an El Cheapo? Answer: El Cheapo is a DIY writing experience. It is not a conference (which are also good) where you rush from lecture to workshop…

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Book Challenge by Erin 8.0

Book Challenge by Erin 8.0

Book Challenge by Erin 8.0 I’m a little late getting this post up (by a month considering the latest installment of Book Challenge by Erin started in January, but, oh well). As you probably know, the challenge consists of ten categories with one book for each followed by a bonus round for avid readers and runs for five months. Here are the categories for Book Challenge by Erin 8.0: 5 points: Freebie – Read a book that is at least…

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