Bout of Books Read-a-thon The End

Bout of Books Read-a-thon The End

Read-a-thon exhaustion
Just one more book! Then I’ll leave, I promise.

(image credit)

I survived my first read-a-thon ever; thank you Bout of Books! I enjoyed the experience immensely even though I didn’t quite meet my goals. But I guess that’s what goals are for, yes?

Anyhow, I finished The Maze Runner by James Dashner 618635733553

and A Stir of Echoes by Richard Matheson. Reviews to follow, but of these two I enjoyed A Stir of Echoes more.

In addition, I finished listening to Wolf Hall during the read-a-thon week although I had started it earlier. Fantastic book, by the way. 6101138

I also participated in one challenge, the I Spy by Paperback Dreamer, and one twitter chat (also my first). So, a lot of firsts. I would have loved to do the spine poem challenge, but I’m sorry to say I don’t know how to operate a digital camera. Anyone else remember the Kodak Brownies? That one I could wield with the best of them…

I enjoyed connecting to some new folks in a sort of haphazard peck and click sort of way. I hope to do more of that while the links are still up. Until next time, thank you Bout of Books for organizing this behemoth and inspiring event! Looking forward to next time!


6 thoughts on “Bout of Books Read-a-thon The End

    1. Hi Mandi,

      Were you named Amanda? Our second daughter is Amanda, but we call her Manda.

      Anyhow, Stir of Echoes is related to the movie. The good news is that they are quite different (they both begin with the amateur hypnosis at a neighborhood party), so you can enjoy both. No need to choose! I will discuss the differences a bit when I review this book. Thanks for stopping in.

  1. Looks like it was a good week for you. I always enjoy connecting with other readers the best, but you are right about the haphazardness of it. There’s no way I’ll get through all the blogs, but I always imagine that the ones I don’t get to would have been the ones I’d most connected with.

    1. I know, it’s hard. I try to guess reading interests based on the handles people have. Since I’m interested in women’s fiction, ghost fiction, and YA without vampires, I look for clues in the blog name. I saw many lovely websites though even when the reading subject matter didn’t match my focus.

    1. I definitely had fun. I love trying something new, and when that something new involves books, well, that’s the best.

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